SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search accounting bookkeeping here is the answer.
There are 11 results found searching for ACCOUNTING BOOKKEEPING
- Activity: bookkeeping activities
SIC Code: 69202 | Description: Bookkeeping activities - Activity: accounting associations
SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations - Activity: accounting activities
SIC Code: 69201 | Description: Accounting, and auditing activities - Activity: accounting , and auditing activities
SIC Code: 69201 | Description: Accounting, and auditing activities - Activity: accounting machine (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28230 | Description: Manufacture of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment) - Activity: accounting systems design
SIC Code: 70221 | Description: Financial management - Activity: calculating and accounting machines (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46660 | Description: Wholesale of other office machinery and equipment - Activity: cost accounting programmes design
SIC Code: 70221 | Description: Financial management
- Activity: repair and maintenance of accounting machinery (manufacture)
SIC Code: 33120 | Description: Repair of machinery - Activity: printed matter for accounting and technical use (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17230 | Description: Manufacture of paper stationery - Activity: accounting machinery and equipment rental and operating leasing
SIC Code: 77330 | Description: Renting and leasing of office machinery and equipment (including computers)
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