SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search digital marketing here is the answer.
There are 9 results found searching for DIGITAL MARKETING
- Activity: marketing campaigns
SIC Code: 73110 | Description: Advertising agencies - Activity: marketing management consultancy activities
SIC Code: 70229 | Description: Management consultancy activities (other than financial management) - Activity: digital imposition (manufacture)
SIC Code: 18130 | Description: Pre-press and pre-media services - Activity: digital computer (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26200 | Description: Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment - Activity: digital machines (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26200 | Description: Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment - Activity: digital mapping activities
SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities - Activity: digital photographic cameras (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26702 | Description: Manufacture of photographic and cinematographic equipment - Activity: preparation and linkage of digital data (manufacture)
SIC Code: 18130 | Description: Pre-press and pre-media services
- Activity: integrated circuits (analogue or digital ) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26110 | Description: Manufacture of electronic components
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