SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search holding companies here is the answer.
There are 31 results found searching for HOLDING COMPANIES
- Activity: activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies ) n.e.c.
SIC Code: 64209 | Description: Activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies) n.e.c. - Activity: bank holding companies
SIC Code: 64205 | Description: Activities of financial services holding companies - Activity: activities of agricultural holding companies
SIC Code: 64201 | Description: Activities of agricultural holding companies - Activity: activities of production holding companies
SIC Code: 64202 | Description: Activities of production holding companies - Activity: activities of construction holding companies
SIC Code: 64203 | Description: Activities of construction holding companies - Activity: activities of distribution holding companies
SIC Code: 64204 | Description: Activities of distribution holding companies - Activity: activities of financial services holding companies
SIC Code: 64205 | Description: Activities of financial services holding companies - Activity: activities of service trades holding companies not engaged in management
SIC Code: 64209 | Description: Activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies) n.e.c.
- Activity: companies court
SIC Code: 84230 | Description: Justice and judicial activities - Activity: holding company n.e.c.
SIC Code: 64209 | Description: Activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies) n.e.c. - Activity: corporate finance companies
SIC Code: 66120 | Description: Security and commodity contracts brokerage - Activity: activities of mortgage finance companies
SIC Code: 64922 | Description: Activities of mortgage finance companies - Activity: open-ended investment companies
SIC Code: 64304 | Description: Activities of open-ended investment companies - Activity: holding company in transport sector
SIC Code: 64209 | Description: Activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies) n.e.c. - Activity: holding company in property sector
SIC Code: 64209 | Description: Activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies) n.e.c.
- Activity: holding company in catering sector
SIC Code: 64209 | Description: Activities of other holding companies (not including agricultural, production, construction, distribution and financial services holding companies) n.e.c. - Activity: holding company in agricultural sector
SIC Code: 64201 | Description: Activities of agricultural holding companies - Activity: holding company activities for banks
SIC Code: 64205 | Description: Activities of financial services holding companies - Activity: holding company in production sector
SIC Code: 64202 | Description: Activities of production holding companies - Activity: holding company in construction sector
SIC Code: 64203 | Description: Activities of construction holding companies - Activity: holding company in wholesale sector
SIC Code: 64204 | Description: Activities of distribution holding companies - Activity: holding company in retail sector
SIC Code: 64204 | Description: Activities of distribution holding companies
- Activity: activities of venture and development capital companies
SIC Code: 64303 | Description: Activities of venture and development capital companies - Activity: activities of open-ended investment companies
SIC Code: 64304 | Description: Activities of open-ended investment companies - Activity: holding company in financial services sector
SIC Code: 64205 | Description: Activities of financial services holding companies - Activity: holding company in motor trades sector
SIC Code: 64204 | Description: Activities of distribution holding companies - Activity: venture and development capital companies and funds activities
SIC Code: 64303 | Description: Activities of venture and development capital companies - Activity: mortgage finance companies activities (other than banks and building societies)
SIC Code: 64922 | Description: Activities of mortgage finance companies - Activity: railway sleeping cars operated as an integrated operation of railway companies
SIC Code: 49100 | Description: Passenger rail transport, interurban
- Activity: railway dining cars operated as an integrated operation of railway companies
SIC Code: 49100 | Description: Passenger rail transport, interurban - Activity: other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies ) n.e.c.
SIC Code: 64929 | Description: Other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies) n.e.c.
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