SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search locks and hinges here is the answer.
There are 9 results found searching for LOCKS AND HINGES
- Activity: manufacture of locks and hinges
SIC Code: 25720 | Description: Manufacture of locks and hinges - Activity: repair of locks and hinges (manufacture)
SIC Code: 33110 | Description: Repair of fabricated metal products - Activity: installation of locks and hinges (manufacture)
SIC Code: 33200 | Description: Installation of industrial machinery and equipment - Activity: stamp hinges (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17290 | Description: Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c. - Activity: locks (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46740 | Description: Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies - Activity: point locks (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30200 | Description: Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock - Activity: waterway locks operation
SIC Code: 52220 | Description: Service activities incidental to water transportation - Activity: bicycle locks with or without keys (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25720 | Description: Manufacture of locks and hinges
- Activity: door furniture for buildings (hand les, hinges , knobs, etc.) made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic
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