SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search photography here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for PHOTOGRAPHY
- Activity: other specialist photography (not including portrait photography )
SIC Code: 74202 | Description: Other specialist photography (not including portrait photography) - Activity: passport photography
SIC Code: 74201 | Description: Portrait photographic activities - Activity: portrait photography
SIC Code: 74201 | Description: Portrait photographic activities - Activity: school photography
SIC Code: 74201 | Description: Portrait photographic activities - Activity: wedding photography
SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c. - Activity: fashion photography
SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c. - Activity: photography schools (except commercial)
SIC Code: 85520 | Description: Cultural education - Activity: real estate photography
SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c.
- Activity: underwater photography services
SIC Code: 74202 | Description: Other specialist photography (not including portrait photography) - Activity: medical and biological photography
SIC Code: 74202 | Description: Other specialist photography (not including portrait photography) - Activity: downhole photography services
SIC Code: 74202 | Description: Other specialist photography (not including portrait photography) - Activity: x-ray and other speciality photography activities
SIC Code: 74202 | Description: Other specialist photography (not including portrait photography) - Activity: photography for commercials, publishers or tourism purposes
SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c. - Activity: aerial photography (other than for cartographic and spatial activity purposes)
SIC Code: 74202 | Description: Other specialist photography (not including portrait photography) - Activity: aerial photography for cartographic and spatial activity purposes
SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities
- Activity: other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c.
SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c.
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