SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search restaurant here is the answer.
There are 14 results found searching for RESTAURANT
- Activity: restaurant (unlicensed)
SIC Code: 56102 | Description: Unlicensed restaurants and cafes - Activity: hotel without restaurant
SIC Code: 55100 | Description: Hotels and similar accommodation - Activity: restaurant (licensed)
SIC Code: 56101 | Description: Licensed restaurants - Activity: motel without restaurant
SIC Code: 55100 | Description: Hotels and similar accommodation - Activity: self-service restaurant (unlicensed)
SIC Code: 56102 | Description: Unlicensed restaurants and cafes - Activity: self-service restaurant (licensed)
SIC Code: 56101 | Description: Licensed restaurants - Activity: civic restaurant (licensed)
SIC Code: 56101 | Description: Licensed restaurants - Activity: motel (unlicensed with restaurant )
SIC Code: 55100 | Description: Hotels and similar accommodation
- Activity: motel (licensed with restaurant )
SIC Code: 55100 | Description: Hotels and similar accommodation - Activity: hotel (unlicensed with restaurant )
SIC Code: 55100 | Description: Hotels and similar accommodation - Activity: hotel (licensed with restaurant )
SIC Code: 55100 | Description: Hotels and similar accommodation - Activity: burger bar restaurant (unlicensed)
SIC Code: 56102 | Description: Unlicensed restaurants and cafes - Activity: fast food outlet with restaurant (unlicensed)
SIC Code: 56102 | Description: Unlicensed restaurants and cafes - Activity: decorative restaurant carts, dessert cart, food wagons (manufacture)
SIC Code: 31010 | Description: Manufacture of office and shop furniture
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