SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search senior independent living here is the answer.
There are 14 results found searching for SENIOR INDEPENDENT LIVING
- Activity: furniture for living rooms (manufacture)
SIC Code: 31090 | Description: Manufacture of other furniture - Activity: assisted-living facilities for the elderly or disabled (non-charitable)
SIC Code: 87300 | Description: Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled - Activity: assisted-living facilities for the elderly or disabled (charitable)
SIC Code: 87300 | Description: Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled - Activity: independent auctioneers
SIC Code: 82990 | Description: Other business support service activities n.e.c. - Activity: taverns (independent )
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: public houses (independent )
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: licensed victualler (independent )
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: licensed bars (independent )
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars
- Activity: beer halls (independent )
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: beer gardens (independent )
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: car delivery service (by independent contractors)
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: independent suspension units for motor vehicles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 29320 | Description: Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles - Activity: independent financial advisors (not specialising in insurance or pensions advice)
SIC Code: 66190 | Description: Other activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding - Activity: independent broadcasting authority (radio broadcasting)
SIC Code: 60100 | Description: Radio broadcasting
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