SIC Code

Code 09900 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 09900

Activities from UK SIC Code 09900

SIC Code 09900: Support activities for other mining and quarrying

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 09900

  • Chemicals and fertiliser minerals mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Slate quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Salt production support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Peat extraction support services, provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Ornamental and building stone quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Non-ferrous metal ore mining of class 07290, support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Mining and quarrying of residual class 08990, support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Limestone, gypsum and chalk quarrying support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Lignite mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Iron ore mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Hard coal mining (underground) support services, provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Hard coal mining (opencast) support services, provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Gravel and sand pit support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Clay and kaolin mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis
  • Uranium and thorium ore mining support services provided on a fee or contract basis