SIC Code

Code 11020 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 11020

Activities from UK SIC Code 11020

SIC Code 11020: Manufacture of wine from grape

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 11020

  • Buying wine in bulk with blending, purification and bottling of wine (manufacture)
  • Wine production from fresh grapes and grape juice (manufacture)
  • Wine based on concentrated grape must (manufacture)
  • Wine (purchased in bulk) blending, purification and bottling (manufacture)
  • Wine (of own manufacture) blending, purification and bottling (manufacture)
  • Tonic wine production (manufacture)
  • Sparkling wine (manufacture)
  • Low and non-alcoholic wine from fresh grapes and grape juice (manufacture)
  • Low and non-alcoholic wine based on concentrated grape must (manufacture)
  • Wine production from self produced grapes