SIC Code

Code 17110 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 17110

Activities from UK SIC Code 17110

SIC Code 17110: Manufacture of pulp

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 17110

  • Bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture)
  • Semi-bleached paper pulp made by non-dissolving processes (manufacture)
  • Semi-bleached paper pulp made by semi-chemical processes (manufacture)
  • Semi-chemical woodpulp (manufacture)
  • Sulphate and soda woodpulp (manufacture)
  • Sulphite woodpulp (manufacture)
  • Synthetic fibre woodpulp (manufacture)
  • Unbleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture)
  • Unbleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture)
  • Unbleached paper pulp made by non-dissolving processes (manufacture)
  • Unbleached paper pulp made by semi-chemical processes (manufacture)
  • Vegetable fibre pulp (manufacture)
  • Semi-bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture)
  • Semi-bleached paper pulp made by chemical dissolving (manufacture)
  • Bleached paper pulp made by mechanical processes (manufacture)
  • Bleached paper pulp made by non-dissolving processes (manufacture)
  • Bleached paper pulp made by semi-chemical processes (manufacture)
  • Chemical woodpulp (manufacture)
  • Cotton-linters pulp (manufacture)
  • Dissolving chemical wood pulp (manufacture)
  • Mechanical woodpulp (manufacture)
  • Pulp for paper (manufacture)
  • Pulping recycled paper (manufacture)
  • Recycled fibre pulp (manufacture)
  • Removal of ink from waste paper and subsequent manufacture of pulp (manufacture)
  • Wood pulp (manufacture)