List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 18130
- Wood blocks for printing (manufacture)
- Print colouring (manufacture)
- Pre-press data input scanning (manufacture)
- Pre-press data input optical character recognition, electronic make-up (manufacture)
- Pre-press data input electronic make-up (manufacture)
- Preparation and linkage of digital data (manufacture)
- Poster writing (manufacture)
- Poster aerographing (manufacture)
- Plate setting for offset printing processes (manufacture)
- Plate setting for letterpress processes (manufacture)
- Plate processes direct to plate (also photopolymer plates) (manufacture)
- Plate making for printing (manufacture)
- Phototypesetting (manufacture)
- Photo lithography (manufacture)
- Printers designing (manufacture)
- Printing plate engraving (manufacture)
- Printing roller engraving (manufacture)
- Varnishing (manufacture)
- Typesetting and phototypesetting (manufacture)
- Stereotyping (manufacture)
- Sketches for presentation (manufacture)
- Reprographic sketch production (manufacture)
- Reprographic products production (manufacture)
- Reprographic lay-outs production (manufacture)
- Reprographic dummies production (manufacture)
- Reproduction and composing (manufacture)
- Rag book making (manufacture)
- Process plate engraving (manufacture)
- Process engraving (manufacture)
- Process block making (manufacture)
- Photo engraving (manufacture)
- Overhead projection foils production (manufacture)
- Overhead media foils and other forms of presentation (manufacture)
- Digital imposition (manufacture)
- Die stamping of stationery (manufacture)
- Die sinking of stationery (manufacture)
- Data files preparation for multi-media printing on paper (manufacture)
- Data files preparation for multi-media printing on internet applications (manufacture)
- Data files preparation for multi-media printing on CD- ROM (manufacture)
- Cylinder etching for gravure printing (manufacture)
- Cylinder engraving for gravure printing (manufacture)
- Computer to plate CTP processing of plates for relief stamping
- Computer to plate CTP processing of plates for relief printing (manufacture)
- Composition for printing (manufacture)
- Ceramic transfer litho engraving (manufacture)
- Blocking (printing)
- Dummies for presentation (manufacture)
- Electronic makeup (manufacture)
- Electrotyping (manufacture)
- Music plate engraving (manufacture)
- Metal etching (manufacture)
- Lithography (manufacture)
- Lithographic stones and wood blocks (manufacture)
- Litho plate making (unsensitized) (manufacture)
- Layouts for presentation (manufacture)
- Laminating (manufacture)
- Insetting (manufacture)
- Image setting for offset printing processes (manufacture)
- Image setting for letterpress processes (manufacture)
- Etching for printing (manufacture)
- Engraving for printing (manufacture)
- Embossing (manufacture)
- Aerographing (manufacture)