SIC Code

Code 25910 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 25910

Activities from UK SIC Code 25910

SIC Code 25910: Manufacture of steel drums and similar containers

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 25910

  • Barrels made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Milk churns made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Metal drum reconditioning (manufacture)
  • Kegs made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Drums made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Churns made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Casks made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Cans made of steel (manufacture)
  • Cans made of blackplate (manufacture)
  • Cans and boxes made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Buckets made of steel (manufacture)
  • Boxes made of iron or steel (manufacture)
  • Boxes and other containers made of iron or steel, of capacity not exceeding 300 litres (manufacture)
  • Pails made of steel (manufacture)