SIC Code

Code 45111 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 45111

Activities from UK SIC Code 45111

SIC Code 45111: Sale of new cars and light motor vehicles

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 45111

  • Ambulances with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail)
  • Off-road motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail)
  • Motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale)
  • Motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail)
  • Motor vehicle with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) importer
  • Motor vehicle with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) exporter
  • Minibuses with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale)
  • Minibuses with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail)
  • Four wheel drive vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale)
  • Four wheel drive vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (retail)
  • Ambulances with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale)
  • Off-road motor vehicles with a weight not exceeding 3.5 tonnes (new) (wholesale)