SIC Code

Code 46110 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 46110

Activities from UK SIC Code 46110

SIC Code 46110: Agents involved in the sale of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished goods

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 46110

  • Agricultural raw materials (commission agent)
  • Wool exchange (commission agent)
  • Wool broker (commission agent)
  • Tobacco refuse (commission agent)
  • Textile raw materials (commission agent)
  • Live animals (commission agent)
  • Leather (commission agent)
  • Hide and skin broker (commission agent)
  • Grain broker (commission agent)
  • Cotton broker (commission agent)
  • Corn factor (commission agent)
  • Corn exchange (commission agent)
  • Coffee husks and skins (commission agent)
  • Beer or distilling dregs for animal feed (commission agent)
  • Wool grease including lanolin (commission agent)