SIC Code

Code 46431 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 46431

Activities from UK SIC Code 46431

SIC Code 46431: Wholesale of gramophone records, audio tapes, compact discs and video tapes and of the equipment on which these are played

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 46431

  • Audio separates (wholesale)
  • Tapes (recorded) (wholesale)
  • Recorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs and the equipment on which these are played (wholesale)
  • Record players (wholesale)
  • Gramophone records, recorded tapes, CDs etc. and equipment for playing them, importer (wholesale)
  • Gramophone records, recorded tapes, CDs etc. and equipment for playing them, exporter (wholesale)
  • Gramophone records (wholesale)
  • Dvds (recorded) (wholesale)
  • Compact discs (recorded) (wholesale)
  • Videos (recorded) (wholesale)