List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 52220
- Wreck raising
- Towing services for distressed freight vessels on sea and coastal waters
- Towing services for distressed freight vessels in inland waters
- Terminal facilities operation (water transport)
- Shore base (sea transport)
- Salvage activities supporting water transport activities
- Port of London Authority
- Port Authority
- Pilotage activities
- Pier owner or authority (not amusement)
- Pier operation (not amusement)
- Passenger terminal services
- Towing services for distressed passenger vessels in inland waters
- Towing services for distressed passenger vessels on sea and coastal waters
- Trinity House
- Wharfinger
- Waterway locks operation
- Water transport (supporting activities)
- Vessel registration services
- Vessel laying up and storage services
- Tug owner or lessee for in port service or salvage
- Tug lessee or owner for inland waterways service
- Tug boat service for sea barges on domestic coastal routes
- Tug boat service for sea barge or off-shore well
- Tug boat service for offshore installations
- Tug boat service for inland waterways
- Offshore positioning services
- Navigation activities
- Harbour authority
- Gas liquefaction for water transportation purposes
- Floating bridge company
- Dock authority
- Diving contracting (non leisure)
- Commissioners of northern lighthouses
- Cargo terminal
- Cargo superintendent
- Canal operation
- Canal maintenance
- Bunkering services
- Harbour operation
- Ice breaking services
- Landing stage
- Marine salvage
- Marine cargo superintendent
- Marine cargo lighterage
- Local authority lighthouse service
- Local authority docks and harbours
- Local authority canal services
- Lightship
- Lighthouse Authority
- Lighthouse activities
- Lighterage activities
- Lighter lessee or owner
- Berthing activities