SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig airport transports

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search airport transports here is the answer.


There are 10 results found searching for AIRPORT TRANSPORTS

  • Activity: airport shuttles
    SIC Code: 49390 | Description: Other passenger land transport n.e.c.
  • Activity: airport activities
    SIC Code: 52230 | Description: Service activities incidental to air transportation
  • Activity: construction of airport buildings
    SIC Code: 41201 | Description: Construction of commercial buildings
  • Activity: airport runway construction
    SIC Code: 42110 | Description: Construction of roads and motorways
  • Activity: town-to-airport transport by rail
    SIC Code: 49311 | Description: Urban, suburban or metropolitan area passenger railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems
  • Activity: town-to-airport transport by bus
    SIC Code: 49319 | Description: Urban, suburban or metropolitan area passenger land transport other than railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems
  • Activity: installation of airport runway lighting
    SIC Code: 43210 | Description: Electrical installation
  • Activity: local authority municipal airport
    SIC Code: 52230 | Description: Service activities incidental to air transportation
  • Activity: airport runways clearing of snow and ice
    SIC Code: 81299 | Description: Cleaning services (other than disinfecting and extermination services) n.e.c
  • Activity: airport fire fighting and fire-prevention services
    SIC Code: 52230 | Description: Service activities incidental to air transportation