SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig aston university

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search aston university here is the answer.


There are 7 results found searching for ASTON UNIVERSITY

  • Activity: university
    SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education
  • Activity: university canteen
    SIC Code: 56290 | Description: Other food service activities
  • Activity: open university
    SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education
  • Activity: university college
    SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education
  • Activity: university halls of residence
    SIC Code: 55900 | Description: Other accommodation
  • Activity: university dining halls
    SIC Code: 56290 | Description: Other food service activities
  • Activity: university medical or dental school
    SIC Code: 85421 | Description: First-degree level higher education