SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search beauty manufacturer here is the answer.
There are 10 results found searching for BEAUTY MANUFACTURER
- Activity: parquet floor laying (not by manufacturer )
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: concrete haulage by a unit which is (not the manufacturer )
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: motor vehicle reconditioning by manufacturer (manufacture)
SIC Code: 29100 | Description: Manufacture of motor vehicles - Activity: beauty specialist
SIC Code: 96020 | Description: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment - Activity: beauty parlour
SIC Code: 96020 | Description: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment - Activity: make-up and beauty treatment
SIC Code: 96020 | Description: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment - Activity: beauty treatment activities
SIC Code: 96020 | Description: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment - Activity: hairdressing and other beauty treatment
SIC Code: 96020 | Description: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
- Activity: beauty and make-up preparations (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20420 | Description: Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations - Activity: beauty , make-up and skin-care preparations including sun tan preparations (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46180 | Description: Agents specialised in the sale of other particular products
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