SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search church here is the answer.
There are 23 results found searching for CHURCH
- Activity: church of england
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church of ireland
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: methodist church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: presbyterian church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church in wales
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church commission
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church army
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: spiritualist church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
- Activity: baptist church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: unitarian church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church of scotland
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: roman catholic church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: presbyterian church of wales
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: united reform church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: episcopal church in scotland
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
- Activity: church lads brigade
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: church of christ scientist
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church missionary society
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: catholic apostolic church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: calvinistic methodist church
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: church schools at secondary level
SIC Code: 85310 | Description: General secondary education - Activity: church schools at nursery and primary level
SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education
- Activity: repair and maintenance of clocks in church towers and the like
SIC Code: 33130 | Description: Repair of electronic and optical equipment
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