SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig church

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search church here is the answer.


There are 23 results found searching for CHURCH

  • Activity: church of england
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church of ireland
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: methodist church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: presbyterian church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church in wales
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church commission
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church army
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: spiritualist church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: baptist church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: unitarian church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church of scotland
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: roman catholic church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: presbyterian church of wales
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: united reform church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: episcopal church in scotland
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church lads brigade
    SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c.
  • Activity: church of christ scientist
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church missionary society
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: catholic apostolic church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: calvinistic methodist church
    SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
  • Activity: church schools at secondary level
    SIC Code: 85310 | Description: General secondary education
  • Activity: church schools at nursery and primary level
    SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education
  • Activity: repair and maintenance of clocks in church towers and the like
    SIC Code: 33130 | Description: Repair of electronic and optical equipment