SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search epoxy resins here is the answer.
There are 22 results found searching for EPOXY RESINS
- Activity: amino resins , phenolic resins and polyurethanes in primary forms (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46120 | Description: Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals - Activity: amino resins , phenolic resins and polyurethanes in primary forms (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46750 | Description: Wholesale of chemical products - Activity: epoxy paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20301 | Description: Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, mastics and sealants - Activity: acrylic resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: thiourea resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: thermosetting resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: thermoplastic resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: synthetic resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms
- Activity: resins for paint (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: polyester resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: alkyd resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: aminoplastic resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: casein resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: cresylic resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: epoxide resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms
- Activity: melamine resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: phenolic resins (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: resins made of urea formaldehyde (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20160 | Description: Manufacture of plastics in primary forms - Activity: polycarbonates, alkyd and epoxide resins (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46120 | Description: Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals - Activity: urea, thiourea and melamine resins in primary forms (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46750 | Description: Wholesale of chemical products - Activity: polyethers, polyesters, polycarbonates, alkyd and epoxide resins (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46760 | Description: Wholesale of other intermediate products - Activity: urea, thiourea and melamine resins in primary forms (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46120 | Description: Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals
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