SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig event supervision

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search event supervision here is the answer.


There are 8 results found searching for EVENT SUPERVISION

  • Activity: event catering activities
    SIC Code: 56210 | Description: Event catering activities
  • Activity: construction supervision
    SIC Code: 71111 | Description: Architectural activities
  • Activity: administration supervision and operation of military defence affairs
    SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities
  • Activity: administration supervision and operation of engineering, and other non-combat forces and commands
    SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities
  • Activity: administration supervision and operation of intelligence and other non-combat forces and commands
    SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities
  • Activity: administration supervision and operation of reserve/auxiliary forces of the defence establishment
    SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities
  • Activity: administration supervision and operation of land, sea, air and space defence forces
    SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities
  • Activity: nursing home with medical care (under the direct supervision of medical doctors)
    SIC Code: 86102 | Description: Medical nursing home activities