SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search event supervision here is the answer.
There are 8 results found searching for EVENT SUPERVISION
- Activity: event catering activities
SIC Code: 56210 | Description: Event catering activities - Activity: construction supervision
SIC Code: 71111 | Description: Architectural activities - Activity: administration supervision and operation of military defence affairs
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: administration supervision and operation of engineering, and other non-combat forces and commands
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: administration supervision and operation of intelligence and other non-combat forces and commands
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: administration supervision and operation of reserve/auxiliary forces of the defence establishment
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: administration supervision and operation of land, sea, air and space defence forces
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: nursing home with medical care (under the direct supervision of medical doctors)
SIC Code: 86102 | Description: Medical nursing home activities
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