SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig fashion designer and seller

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search fashion designer and seller here is the answer.


There are 14 results found searching for FASHION DESIGNER AND SELLER

  • Activity: clothes designer
    SIC Code: 74100 | Description: Specialised design activities
  • Activity: graphic designer
    SIC Code: 74100 | Description: Specialised design activities
  • Activity: chart seller (retail)
    SIC Code: 47620 | Description: Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialised stores
  • Activity: map seller (retail)
    SIC Code: 47620 | Description: Retail sale of newspapers and stationery in specialised stores
  • Activity: herb seller (food) (retail)
    SIC Code: 47210 | Description: Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores
  • Activity: fashion (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 14132 | Description: Manufacture of womens outerwear, other than leather clothes and workwear
  • Activity: fashion agent
    SIC Code: 82990 | Description: Other business support service activities n.e.c.
  • Activity: fashion photography
    SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c.
  • Activity: fashion designing
    SIC Code: 74100 | Description: Specialised design activities
  • Activity: fashion artist
    SIC Code: 82990 | Description: Other business support service activities n.e.c.
  • Activity: fashion jewellery (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 32130 | Description: Manufacture of imitation jewellery and related articles
  • Activity: fashion printing (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 18129 | Description: Printing (other than printing of newspapers and printing on labels and tags) n.e.c.
  • Activity: photographing of live events such as weddings, graduations, conventions, fashion shows, etc.
    SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c.
  • Activity: videoing of live events such as weddings, graduations, conventions, fashion shows, etc.
    SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c.