SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search footwear manufacturers and suppliers here is the answer.
There are 32 results found searching for FOOTWEAR MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS
- Activity: car delivery service (by motor manufacturers )
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: footwear (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46420 | Description: Wholesale of clothing and footwear - Activity: footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: manufacture of footwear
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: footwear (retail)
SIC Code: 47721 | Description: Retail sale of footwear in specialised stores - Activity: athletic footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: footwear (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46160 | Description: Agents involved in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods - Activity: wholesale of clothing and footwear
SIC Code: 46420 | Description: Wholesale of clothing and footwear
- Activity: footwear rental and leasing
SIC Code: 77299 | Description: Renting and leasing of personal and household goods (other than media entertainment equipment) n.e.c. - Activity: sports footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: footwear exporter (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46420 | Description: Wholesale of clothing and footwear - Activity: footwear importer (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46420 | Description: Wholesale of clothing and footwear - Activity: beach footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: orthopaedic footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32500 | Description: Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies - Activity: repair of footwear and leather goods
SIC Code: 95230 | Description: Repair of footwear and leather goods
- Activity: orthopaedic appliances (not footwear ) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32500 | Description: Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies - Activity: footwear leather preparation (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15110 | Description: Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur - Activity: repair of footwear and leather goods
SIC Code: 95230 | Description: Repair of footwear and leather goods - Activity: cut soles for footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: footwear made of asbestos (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23990 | Description: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. - Activity: moulded rubber bottoms for footwear (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22190 | Description: Manufacture of other rubber products - Activity: sale via stalls and markets of footwear (retail)
SIC Code: 47820 | Description: Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear
- Activity: footwear making or repairing machinery (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28940 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production - Activity: retail sale of footwear in specialised stores
SIC Code: 47721 | Description: Retail sale of footwear in specialised stores - Activity: footwear manufacturing and repairing machinery (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46640 | Description: Wholesale of machinery for the textile industry and of sewing and knitting machines - Activity: protective footwear made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15200 | Description: Manufacture of footwear - Activity: footwear parts and accessories made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22290 | Description: Manufacture of other plastic products - Activity: footwear made of textiles without applied soles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 14190 | Description: Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories - Activity: special sports footwear such as ski boots (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46499 | Description: Wholesale of household goods (other than musical instruments) n.e.c.
- Activity: retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear
SIC Code: 47820 | Description: Retail sale via stalls and markets of textiles, clothing and footwear - Activity: footwear made of textile fabric with applied soles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 14190 | Description: Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories - Activity: agents involved in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods
SIC Code: 46160 | Description: Agents involved in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods
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