SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search gardening fencing here is the answer.
There are 12 results found searching for GARDENING FENCING
- Activity: gardening clubs
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: landscape gardening
SIC Code: 81300 | Description: Landscape service activities - Activity: gardening tools (retail)
SIC Code: 47520 | Description: Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores - Activity: gardening tools (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46610 | Description: Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies - Activity: fencing contractor (not agricultural)
SIC Code: 43290 | Description: Other construction installation - Activity: fencing by agricultural contractor
SIC Code: 01610 | Description: Support activities for crop production - Activity: sawn fencing (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16100 | Description: Sawmilling and planing of wood - Activity: pole fencing production
SIC Code: 02200 | Description: Logging
- Activity: pale fencing production
SIC Code: 02200 | Description: Logging - Activity: fencing made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic - Activity: fencing made of wood (assembled) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery - Activity: fencing made of steel wire (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25930 | Description: Manufacture of wire products, chain and springs
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