SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search nursery here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for NURSERY
- Activity: nursery (horticulture)
SIC Code: 01300 | Description: Plant propagation - Activity: nursery schools
SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education - Activity: day nursery (charitable)
SIC Code: 88910 | Description: Child day-care activities - Activity: nursery equipment (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32300 | Description: Manufacture of sports goods - Activity: nursery square (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13923 | Description: Manufacture of household textiles (other than soft furnishings of 13.42/1) - Activity: day nursery (non-charitable)
SIC Code: 88910 | Description: Child day-care activities - Activity: forest tree nursery operation
SIC Code: 02100 | Description: Silviculture and other forestry activities - Activity: tree nursery (not fruit or ornamental trees)
SIC Code: 02100 | Description: Silviculture and other forestry activities
- Activity: hospital schools at nursery and primary level
SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education - Activity: church schools at nursery and primary level
SIC Code: 85100 | Description: Pre-primary education - Activity: seed grading (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products)
SIC Code: 01640 | Description: Seed processing for propagation - Activity: seed drying (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products)
SIC Code: 01640 | Description: Seed processing for propagation - Activity: seed genetically modified, treatment of these (vegetables, horticultural and other nursery products)
SIC Code: 01640 | Description: Seed processing for propagation - Activity: seed cleaning and treating (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products)
SIC Code: 01640 | Description: Seed processing for propagation - Activity: seed processing for propagation (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products)
SIC Code: 01640 | Description: Seed processing for propagation
- Activity: seed post harvest processing (vegetables, horticultural specialties and other nursery products)
SIC Code: 01640 | Description: Seed processing for propagation
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