SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search prefabricated sheds here is the answer.
There are 17 results found searching for PREFABRICATED SHEDS
- Activity: sheds made of metal (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25110 | Description: Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures - Activity: sheds made of wood (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery - Activity: prefabricated buildings (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46730 | Description: Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment - Activity: prefabricated building metalwork (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25110 | Description: Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures - Activity: prefabricated roof timbers (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery - Activity: prefabricated constructions (domestic) assembly and erection
SIC Code: 41202 | Description: Construction of domestic buildings - Activity: prefabricated constructions (commercial) assembly and erection
SIC Code: 41201 | Description: Construction of commercial buildings - Activity: prefabricated buildings made of wood (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery
- Activity: prefabricated buildings made of metal (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25110 | Description: Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures - Activity: prefabricated buildings made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic - Activity: assembly and erection of prefabricated non-residential constructions on the site
SIC Code: 41201 | Description: Construction of commercial buildings - Activity: prefabricated buildings and components made of concrete (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23610 | Description: Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes - Activity: prefabricated constructions (civil engineering) assembly and erection
SIC Code: 42990 | Description: Construction of other civil engineering projects n.e.c. - Activity: prefabricated buildings made of wood (commission agent)
SIC Code: 46130 | Description: Agents involved in the sale of timber and building materials - Activity: prefabricated buildings or elements thereof made of wood (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery
- Activity: prefabricated structural parts for construction, of cement, concrete, artificial stone (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23610 | Description: Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes - Activity: glue-laminated and metal connected prefabricated wooden roof trusses (manufacture)
SIC Code: 16230 | Description: Manufacture of other builders carpentry and joinery
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