SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search sameday courier and haulage here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for SAMEDAY COURIER AND HAULAGE
- Activity: courier (travel)
SIC Code: 79901 | Description: Activities of tourist guides - Activity: courier activities (other than national post activities) unlicensed
SIC Code: 53202 | Description: Unlicensed Carriers - Activity: courier activities (other than national post activities) licensed
SIC Code: 53201 | Description: Licensed Carriers - Activity: stock haulage by road
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: road haulage contractor
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: refrigerated haulage by road
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: heavy haulage by road
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: haulage of logs by road
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road
- Activity: haulage of automobiles by road
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: bulk road haulage
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: haulage in tanker trucks by road
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: concrete haulage by a unit which is (not the manufacturer)
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: haulage tractors rental (without driver)
SIC Code: 77120 | Description: Renting and leasing of trucks - Activity: bulk haulage in tanker trucks
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road - Activity: bulk haulage milk collection at farms
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road
- Activity: road haulage contracting for general hire or reward
SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road
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