SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search science policy here is the answer.
There are 7 results found searching for SCIENCE POLICY
- Activity: policy formulation consultancy services
SIC Code: 70229 | Description: Management consultancy activities (other than financial management) - Activity: advisory, guidance and operational assistance services concerning business policy and strategy
SIC Code: 70229 | Description: Management consultancy activities (other than financial management) - Activity: science museums
SIC Code: 91020 | Description: Museum activities - Activity: science research council
SIC Code: 72190 | Description: Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering - Activity: social science research council
SIC Code: 72200 | Description: Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities - Activity: british association for the advancement of science
SIC Code: 94120 | Description: Activities of professional membership organisations - Activity: instruments and appliances for dental science (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46460 | Description: Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods
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