SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search sofware application here is the answer.
There are 8 results found searching for SOFWARE APPLICATION
- Activity: stucco application in buildings
SIC Code: 43310 | Description: Plastering - Activity: engines for industrial application (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28110 | Description: Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines - Activity: protective coatings application work
SIC Code: 43341 | Description: Painting - Activity: anti-corrosive coatings application work
SIC Code: 43341 | Description: Painting - Activity: exterior plaster application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials
SIC Code: 43310 | Description: Plastering - Activity: exterior stucco application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials
SIC Code: 43310 | Description: Plastering - Activity: interior plaster application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials
SIC Code: 43310 | Description: Plastering - Activity: interior stucco application in buildings or other constructions incl. related lathing materials
SIC Code: 43310 | Description: Plastering
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