SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search street scene here is the answer.
There are 16 results found searching for STREET SCENE
- Activity: scene shifters and lighting engineers
SIC Code: 90020 | Description: Support activities to performing arts - Activity: scene lighting, road lighting and other lighting (not domestic) (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46690 | Description: Wholesale of other machinery and equipment - Activity: street construction
SIC Code: 42110 | Description: Construction of roads and motorways - Activity: street patrol
SIC Code: 80100 | Description: Private security activities - Activity: street photographer
SIC Code: 74209 | Description: Other photographic activities (not including portrait and other specialist photography and film processing) n.e.c. - Activity: street furniture (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25990 | Description: Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. - Activity: street musician or singer
SIC Code: 90010 | Description: Performing arts - Activity: street sweepers (manufacture)
SIC Code: 29100 | Description: Manufacture of motor vehicles
- Activity: street cleaning and watering
SIC Code: 81299 | Description: Cleaning services (other than disinfecting and extermination services) n.e.c - Activity: local authority street lighting
SIC Code: 43210 | Description: Electrical installation - Activity: street sweeping lorry (manufacture)
SIC Code: 29100 | Description: Manufacture of motor vehicles - Activity: street lighting fixtures (manufacture)
SIC Code: 27400 | Description: Manufacture of electric lighting equipment - Activity: street car (scheduled passenger transport)
SIC Code: 49319 | Description: Urban, suburban or metropolitan area passenger land transport other than railway transportation by underground, metro and similar systems - Activity: installation of street lighting and electrical signals
SIC Code: 43210 | Description: Electrical installation - Activity: installation of illuminated road signs and street furniture
SIC Code: 43210 | Description: Electrical installation
- Activity: illuminated street furniture made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22290 | Description: Manufacture of other plastic products
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