SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search the salvation army here is the answer.
There are 10 results found searching for THE SALVATION ARMY
- Activity: salvation army
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: salvation army emigration department
SIC Code: 96090 | Description: Other personal service activities n.e.c. - Activity: salvation army shelter (charitable)
SIC Code: 87900 | Description: Other residential care activities - Activity: territorial army
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: church army
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations - Activity: womens royal army corps
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: army establishment (service personnel)
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: army scripture readers association
SIC Code: 94910 | Description: Activities of religious organisations
- Activity: army establishment (civilian personnel)
SIC Code: 84220 | Description: Defence activities - Activity: army accoutrement made of leathe r (manufacture)
SIC Code: 15120 | Description: Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harness
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