SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search village halls here is the answer.
There are 12 results found searching for VILLAGE HALLS
- Activity: village general store (selling mainly foodstuffs) with alcohol licence (retail)
SIC Code: 47110 | Description: Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating - Activity: village general store (selling mainly foodstuffs) without alcohol licence (retail)
SIC Code: 47110 | Description: Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating - Activity: halls of residence
SIC Code: 55900 | Description: Other accommodation - Activity: concert halls operation
SIC Code: 90040 | Description: Operation of arts facilities - Activity: beer halls (tenanted)
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: beer halls (managed)
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: beer halls (independent)
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: university dining halls
SIC Code: 56290 | Description: Other food service activities
- Activity: university halls of residence
SIC Code: 55900 | Description: Other accommodation - Activity: theatre halls operation
SIC Code: 90040 | Description: Operation of arts facilities - Activity: local authority concert halls and theatres
SIC Code: 90040 | Description: Operation of arts facilities - Activity: property leasing (other than conference centres and exhibition halls )
SIC Code: 68209 | Description: Letting and operating of own or leased real estate (other than Housing Association real estate and conference and exhibition services) n.e.c.
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