SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search waterman group here is the answer.
There are 9 results found searching for WATERMAN GROUP
- Activity: pop group
SIC Code: 90010 | Description: Performing arts - Activity: medical group practice
SIC Code: 86210 | Description: General medical practice activities - Activity: platinum group metals (manufacture)
SIC Code: 24410 | Description: Precious metals production - Activity: ethnic and minority group organisations
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: residential care (paramedical) in group homes for the emotionally disturbed (charitable)
SIC Code: 87200 | Description: Residential care activities for learning disabilities, mental health and substance abuse - Activity: residential care (social) in group homes for the emotionally disturbed (charitable)
SIC Code: 87200 | Description: Residential care activities for learning disabilities, mental health and substance abuse - Activity: residential care (social) in group homes for the emotionally disturbed (non charitable)
SIC Code: 87200 | Description: Residential care activities for learning disabilities, mental health and substance abuse - Activity: halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problems (charitable)
SIC Code: 87900 | Description: Other residential care activities
- Activity: halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problems (non-charitable)
SIC Code: 87900 | Description: Other residential care activities
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