SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig yeast manufacturers

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search yeast manufacturers here is the answer.


There are 7 results found searching for YEAST MANUFACTURERS

  • Activity: car delivery service (by motor manufacturers )
    SIC Code: 49410 | Description: Freight transport by road
  • Activity: yeast (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46380 | Description: Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs
  • Activity: yeast preparation (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10890 | Description: Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
  • Activity: bakers yeast from distillery (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10890 | Description: Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
  • Activity: yeast and vegetable extract (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 10890 | Description: Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.
  • Activity: brewing preparations (excluding yeast ) (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 20590 | Description: Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.
  • Activity: wine making preparations (excluding yeast ) (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 20590 | Description: Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.