List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 10910
- Alfalfa (Lucerne) meal and pellets (manufacture)
- Single feeds, unmixed, for farm animals (manufacture)
- Protein concentrates (animal food) (manufacture)
- Protein (synthetic) for animal feed (manufacture)
- Prepared feeds for farm animals (manufacture)
- Poultry grit (manufacture)
- Potato dehydrating for animal feed (manufacture)
- Non-compound animal and cattle feed (not from grain milling or oilseed cakes and meal) (manufacture)
- Molassed feeding stuff containing more than 30% molasses (manufacture)
- Feed supplements for animals (manufacture)
- Farm animal feeds produced from slaughter waste (manufacture)
- Dairy concentrate (animal feed) (manufacture)
- Concentrated animal feed and feed supplements (manufacture)
- Compound animal feed (manufacture)
- Chicken food (manufacture)
- Animal feed supplement (manufacture)
- Animal compound feed (manufacture)
- Synthetic animal feed protein (manufacture)