List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 26110
- Valves (electronic) (manufacture)
- Relays for electronic and telecommunications use (manufacture)
- Rectifier plant (electronic) (manufacture)
- Record cutters (manufacture)
- Receiver or amplifier valves or tubes (manufacture)
- Quartz crystal (manufacture)
- Printer cables (manufacture)
- Printer and monitor connectors (manufacture)
- Printed circuit (manufacture)
- Plug (electronic) (manufacture)
- Piezo electric crystal (manufacture)
- Photosensitive semi-conductor devices (manufacture)
- Photo-cathode valves or tubes (manufacture)
- Photo semi-conductor device (manufacture)
- Photo electric cell (manufacture)
- Photo diode (manufacture)
- Mounted piezo-electric crystals (manufacture)
- Monolithic integrated circuits (manufacture)
- Resistor (electronic) (manufacture)
- Semi-conductor (not power) (manufacture)
- Semi-conductor control equipment (converters) (manufacture)
- USB cables (manufacture)
- Tube (electronic) (manufacture)
- Travelling wave tube (manufacture)
- Transistors (manufacture)
- Transformer for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Thyratron (manufacture)
- Thermionic valves or tubes (manufacture)
- Terminals for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Television scan coil (manufacture)
- Television picture tube (manufacture)
- Television camera tubes (manufacture)
- Switches and transducers for electronic applications (manufacture)
- Stabilising valve (manufacture)
- Solid state circuit (manufacture)
- Solenoids for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Solar panels (photovoltaic cell type) (manufacture)
- Semi-finished dice or wafers, semiconductor (manufacture)
- Monitor cables (manufacture)
- Microwave tube (manufacture)
- Electronic micro-assemblies of moulded module, micromodule or similar types (manufacture)
- Electronic integrated circuits (manufacture)
- Electronic crystals and crystal assemblies (manufacture)
- Electronic connectors (manufacture)
- Electronic condensers (manufacture)
- Electronic active components (manufacture)
- Electron tubes (manufacture)
- Display components (plasma, polymer, LCD) (manufacture)
- Diode (manufacture)
- Colour television tubes (manufacture)
- Cold cathode valve or tube (manufacture)
- Circuit protection device (electronic) (manufacture)
- Choke and coil (electronic) (manufacture)
- Chemical elements in disk form for use in electronics (manufacture)
- Cathode ray tube (manufacture)
- Capacitor for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Bare printed circuit boards (manufacture)
- Electronic passive components (manufacture)
- Electronic tube (manufacture)
- Electronic valve (manufacture)
- Microwave components (manufacture)
- Microprocessors (manufacture)
- Microcircuit (manufacture)
- Microchip (manufacture)
- Magnetron (manufacture)
- Light emitting diodes (LED) (manufacture)
- Klystron (manufacture)
- Isolating and make or break switches (electronic) (manufacture)
- Integrated circuits (analogue or digital) (manufacture)
- Insulated monolithic, hybrid and passive circuit (manufacture)
- Industrial transformer (electronic) (manufacture)
- Inductor (electronic) (manufacture)
- Image converters and intensifiers (manufacture)
- Hybrid integrated circuits (electronic) (manufacture)
- Finished or semi-finished wafers, semiconductor (manufacture)
- Finished or semi-finished dice, semiconductor (manufacture)
- Ferrite parts for electronic apparatus (manufacture)
- Amplifying valve (manufacture)