SIC Code

Code 38220 from UK Standard Industrial Classification

Here is the list of business activities that are included under the UK SIC Code 38220

Activities from UK SIC Code 38220

SIC Code 38220: Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste

List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 38220

  • Disposal of nuclear waste
  • Treatment and disposal of transition radioactive waste
  • Treatment and disposal of toxic live or dead animals and other contaminated waste
  • Treatment and disposal of radioactive waste from hospitals, etc.
  • Treatment and disposal of nuclear waste
  • Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste
  • Treatment and disposal of foul liquids (e.g. Leachate)
  • Toxic waste treatment service
  • Operation of facilities for treatment of hazardous waste
  • Incineration of hazardous waste
  • Encapsulation, preparation and other treatment of nuclear waste for storage
  • Disposal of used goods such as refrigerators to eliminate harmful waste
  • Disposal of sick or dead animals (toxic)
  • Treatment, disposal and storage of radioactive nuclear waste