List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 39000
- Asbestos removal work
- Remediation activities and other waste management services
- Oil spills at sea containment, dispersion and clean up services
- Oil spill pollution control services
- Oil spill clearance on land
- Minefield clearance
- Decontamination of surface water
- Decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution using mechanical methods
- Decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution using chemical methods
- Decontamination of soils and groundwater at the place of pollution using biological methods
- Decontamination of soil and groundwater
- Decontamination of nuclear plants and sites
- Decontamination of industrial plants or sites
- Decontamination and cleaning up of surface water following accidental pollution
- Cleaning up oil spills and other pollutions on land
- Cleaning up oil spills and other pollutions in surface water
- Cleaning up oil spills and other pollutions in ocean and seas including coastal areas
- Asbestos, lead paint, and other toxic material abatement
- Specialised pollution control activities