List of activities classified inside the UK SIC Code 86900
- Transplant organ banks
- Physiotherapy clinic
- Physiotherapist (private)
- Pathological laboratory
- Para-medical practitioner activities
- Osteopath (not registered medical practitioner)
- Ophthalmic clinic
- Occupational therapist (private)
- Nursing co-operative
- Nurse (private)
- Neuropath
- Midwife (private)
- Midwife (NHS)
- Psychiatric clinic
- Psychiatric day hospital
- St Johns ambulance brigade
- St Andrew's ambulance brigade
- Sperm banks
- Speech therapist (own account)
- Speech therapist (NHS)
- Scottish Ambulance Service
- School medical clinic
- School health service
- School dental nurse
- Radiographer (private)
- Public health laboratory
- Psychologist
- Medical laboratories
- Maternity clinic
- Community psychiatric nurse (NHS)
- Community medical service clinics
- Community health service
- Collection of female human urine for hormone extraction
- Clinic (health service)
- Chiropractor clinic (own account)
- Chiropodist (private)
- Chiropodist (NHS)
- Blood transfusion service
- Blood banks
- Artificial limb and appliance centre
- Artificial kidney unit
- Dental hygienist
- Dental therapist
- Maternity and child welfare services
- Mass radiography service
- Limb fitting centre
- Homeopath (not registered medical practitioner)
- Home nurse (NHS)
- Health visitor
- Health centre
- Foot clinic (private)
- Foot clinic (NHS)
- Family Planning Association clinics (not providing medical treatment)
- District nurse
- Disablement services centres
- Ambulance service