SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search cargo packaging here is the answer.
There are 41 results found searching for CARGO PACKAGING
- Activity: blister packaging foil-covered packaging
SIC Code: 82920 | Description: Packaging activities - Activity: cargo superintendent
SIC Code: 52220 | Description: Service activities incidental to water transportation - Activity: cargo terminal
SIC Code: 52220 | Description: Service activities incidental to water transportation - Activity: cargo sling (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13940 | Description: Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting - Activity: cargo ship (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures - Activity: marine cargo surveyor
SIC Code: 71200 | Description: Technical testing and analysis - Activity: marine cargo superintendent
SIC Code: 52220 | Description: Service activities incidental to water transportation - Activity: marine cargo lighterage
SIC Code: 52220 | Description: Service activities incidental to water transportation
- Activity: passenger cargo liner (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures - Activity: air cargo agents activities
SIC Code: 52290 | Description: Other transportation support activities - Activity: bulk carrier (cargo ship) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures - Activity: cargo handling for air transport activities
SIC Code: 52242 | Description: Cargo handling for air transport activities of division 51 - Activity: cargo handling for land transport activities
SIC Code: 52243 | Description: Cargo handling for land transport activities of division 49 - Activity: cargo handling for water transport activities
SIC Code: 52241 | Description: Cargo handling for water transport activities of division 50 - Activity: cargo handling for water transport activities of division 50
SIC Code: 52241 | Description: Cargo handling for water transport activities of division 50
- Activity: cargo handling for land transport activities of division 49
SIC Code: 52243 | Description: Cargo handling for land transport activities of division 49 - Activity: cargo handling for air transport activities of division 51
SIC Code: 52242 | Description: Cargo handling for air transport activities of division 51 - Activity: packaging activities
SIC Code: 82920 | Description: Packaging activities - Activity: packaging of solids
SIC Code: 82920 | Description: Packaging activities - Activity: packaging machinery leasing
SIC Code: 77390 | Description: Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c. - Activity: plastic packaging (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46760 | Description: Wholesale of other intermediate products - Activity: packaging machinery (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28290 | Description: Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.
- Activity: security packaging of pharmaceutical preparations
SIC Code: 82920 | Description: Packaging activities - Activity: flexible paper packaging (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17290 | Description: Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c. - Activity: light metal packaging (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25920 | Description: Manufacture of light metal packaging - Activity: manufacture of light metal packaging
SIC Code: 25920 | Description: Manufacture of light metal packaging - Activity: kraft wrapping and packaging paper (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17120 | Description: Manufacture of paper and paperboard - Activity: packaging activities on a fee or contract basis
SIC Code: 82920 | Description: Packaging activities - Activity: bags made of plastic for packaging (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22220 | Description: Manufacture of plastic packing goods
- Activity: packaging products made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22220 | Description: Manufacture of plastic packing goods - Activity: packaging products made of ceramic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23490 | Description: Manufacture of other ceramic products - Activity: wrapping and packaging paper including coated (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17120 | Description: Manufacture of paper and paperboard - Activity: foil packaging goods, made of aluminium (manufacture)
SIC Code: 24420 | Description: Aluminium production - Activity: tubes made of aluminium for packaging (collapsible) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25920 | Description: Manufacture of light metal packaging - Activity: food bottling and packaging on a fee or contract basis
SIC Code: 82920 | Description: Packaging activities - Activity: paper cut to size (not packaging products) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17290 | Description: Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.
- Activity: foil made of aluminium (not put up as a packaging product) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 24420 | Description: Aluminium production - Activity: egg trays and other moulded pulp packaging products (manufacture)
SIC Code: 17290 | Description: Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c. - Activity: drink processing including combined processing and packaging or bottling machinery (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28930 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing - Activity: packaging products for food e.g. aluminium foil, plastics foil, bags, etc. (retail)
SIC Code: 47789 | Description: Other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores (other than by opticians or commercial art galleries); n.e.c - Activity: food processing machinery incl. combined processing, packaging or bottling machinery (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28930 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
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