SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search ceramics artistic here is the answer.
There are 18 results found searching for CERAMICS ARTISTIC
- Activity: painters (artistic )
SIC Code: 90030 | Description: Artistic creation - Activity: designing (artistic )
SIC Code: 90030 | Description: Artistic creation - Activity: artistic creation
SIC Code: 90030 | Description: Artistic creation - Activity: wood engraver (artistic )
SIC Code: 90030 | Description: Artistic creation - Activity: copper plate engraver (artistic )
SIC Code: 90030 | Description: Artistic creation - Activity: printing directly onto ceramics (manufacture)
SIC Code: 18129 | Description: Printing (other than printing of newspapers and printing on labels and tags) n.e.c. - Activity: tiles made of ceramics (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23310 | Description: Manufacture of ceramic tiles and flags - Activity: kitchenware made of ceramics (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23410 | Description: Manufacture of ceramic household and ornamental articles
- Activity: museums of furniture, costumes, ceramics , silverware
SIC Code: 91020 | Description: Museum activities - Activity: sanitary ware made of ceramics (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23420 | Description: Manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixtures - Activity: pipes and fittings made of ceramics (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23320 | Description: Manufacture of bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clay - Activity: turning, engraving, carving, etc. machines for stone, ceramics , and similar (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools - Activity: grinding, smoothing, polishing and graining machines for stone, ceramics , asbestos
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools - Activity: splitting or cleaving machines for stone, ceramics , asbestos-cement or similar (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools - Activity: sawing machines for stone, ceramics , asbestos-cement or similar materials (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools
- Activity: helical-wire cutting machines for stone, ceramics , asbestos-cement or similar (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools - Activity: drilling or milling machines for stone, ceramics , asbestos-cement and similar articles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools - Activity: disc cutting machines for stone, ceramics , asbestos-cement or similar (portable) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28240 | Description: Manufacture of power-driven hand tools
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