SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search cladding fitting here is the answer.
There are 19 results found searching for CLADDING FITTING
- Activity: shiplap cladding made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic - Activity: sheeting made of plastic for roofing and cladding (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic - Activity: cladding wall panels made of precast concrete (manufacture)
SIC Code: 23610 | Description: Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposes - Activity: ornamentation fitting work
SIC Code: 43390 | Description: Other building completion and finishing - Activity: tiles laying or fitting
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: limb fitting centre
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: ceramic stove fitting
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: lighting fitting (other than glassware) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 27400 | Description: Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
- Activity: repair of tyres and tubes (fitting or replacement)
SIC Code: 45200 | Description: Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles - Activity: exhaust sales and fitting centre (retail)
SIC Code: 45320 | Description: Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories - Activity: hanging or fitting wooden wall coverings
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying or fitting other wooden floor coverings
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying, tiling, hanging or fitting floor and wall covering
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying, tiling, hanging or fitting ceramic wall or floor tiles
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying tiling or fitting marble, granite or slate floor coverings
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering
- Activity: laying or fitting carpets and linoleum floor coverings including of rubber or plastic
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying, tiling, hanging or fitting cut stone wall or floor tiles
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying, tiling, hanging or fitting concrete stone wall or floor tiles
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering - Activity: laying tiling or fitting terrazzo, marble, granite or slate wall coverings
SIC Code: 43330 | Description: Floor and wall covering
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