SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search clocks here is the answer.
There are 13 results found searching for CLOCKS
- Activity: clocks (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46480 | Description: Wholesale of watches and jewellery - Activity: repair of clocks
SIC Code: 95250 | Description: Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery - Activity: clocks (retail)
SIC Code: 47770 | Description: Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores - Activity: watches and clocks (retail)
SIC Code: 47770 | Description: Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores - Activity: watches and clocks (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46480 | Description: Wholesale of watches and jewellery - Activity: manufacture of watches and clocks
SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks - Activity: installation of clocks (manufacture)
SIC Code: 33200 | Description: Installation of industrial machinery and equipment - Activity: repair of watches and clocks
SIC Code: 95250 | Description: Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
- Activity: movements for clocks and watches (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks - Activity: components for clocks and watches (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks - Activity: repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
SIC Code: 95250 | Description: Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery - Activity: cases for clocks and watches (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks - Activity: repair and maintenance of clocks in church towers and the like
SIC Code: 33130 | Description: Repair of electronic and optical equipment
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