SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig clocks

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search clocks here is the answer.


There are 13 results found searching for CLOCKS

  • Activity: clocks (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46480 | Description: Wholesale of watches and jewellery
  • Activity: repair of clocks
    SIC Code: 95250 | Description: Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
  • Activity: clocks (retail)
    SIC Code: 47770 | Description: Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores
  • Activity: watches and clocks (retail)
    SIC Code: 47770 | Description: Retail sale of watches and jewellery in specialised stores
  • Activity: watches and clocks (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46480 | Description: Wholesale of watches and jewellery
  • Activity: manufacture of watches and clocks
    SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks
  • Activity: installation of clocks (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 33200 | Description: Installation of industrial machinery and equipment
  • Activity: repair of watches and clocks
    SIC Code: 95250 | Description: Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
  • Activity: movements for clocks and watches (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks
  • Activity: components for clocks and watches (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks
  • Activity: repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
    SIC Code: 95250 | Description: Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery
  • Activity: cases for clocks and watches (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 26520 | Description: Manufacture of watches and clocks
  • Activity: repair and maintenance of clocks in church towers and the like
    SIC Code: 33130 | Description: Repair of electronic and optical equipment