SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search codes community halls here is the answer.
There are 25 results found searching for CODES COMMUNITY HALLS
- Activity: halls of residence
SIC Code: 55900 | Description: Other accommodation - Activity: concert halls operation
SIC Code: 90040 | Description: Operation of arts facilities - Activity: theatre halls operation
SIC Code: 90040 | Description: Operation of arts facilities - Activity: beer halls (tenanted)
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: beer halls (managed)
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: beer halls (independent)
SIC Code: 56302 | Description: Public houses and bars - Activity: university dining halls
SIC Code: 56290 | Description: Other food service activities - Activity: university halls of residence
SIC Code: 55900 | Description: Other accommodation
- Activity: local authority concert halls and theatres
SIC Code: 90040 | Description: Operation of arts facilities - Activity: property leasing (other than conference centres and exhibition halls )
SIC Code: 68209 | Description: Letting and operating of own or leased real estate (other than Housing Association real estate and conference and exhibition services) n.e.c. - Activity: community organisations
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: community centre
SIC Code: 94990 | Description: Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. - Activity: european community
SIC Code: 99000 | Description: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies - Activity: community heating plant
SIC Code: 35300 | Description: Steam and air conditioning supply - Activity: district community physician
SIC Code: 86210 | Description: General medical practice activities
- Activity: community health service
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: community dental service clinics
SIC Code: 86230 | Description: Dental practice activities - Activity: community psychiatric nurse (nhs)
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: community and neighbourhood activities (non-charitable)
SIC Code: 88990 | Description: Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. - Activity: community and neighbourhood activities (charitable)
SIC Code: 88990 | Description: Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c. - Activity: community homes for children (non-charitable)
SIC Code: 87900 | Description: Other residential care activities - Activity: community homes for children (charitable)
SIC Code: 87900 | Description: Other residential care activities
- Activity: community medical service clinics
SIC Code: 86900 | Description: Other human health activities - Activity: local authority community homes (children)
SIC Code: 87900 | Description: Other residential care activities - Activity: community amenity services administration (public sector)
SIC Code: 84120 | Description: Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
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