SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search directional drilling here is the answer.
There are 33 results found searching for DIRECTIONAL DRILLING
- Activity: directional drilling services
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: borehole drilling
SIC Code: 43130 | Description: Test drilling and boring - Activity: water well drilling
SIC Code: 42210 | Description: Construction of utility projects for fluids - Activity: petroleum well drilling
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: well drilling equipment (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28921 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for mining - Activity: drilling ship (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures - Activity: pearl drilling (manufacture)
SIC Code: 32120 | Description: Manufacture of jewellery and related articles - Activity: test drilling and boring
SIC Code: 43130 | Description: Test drilling and boring
- Activity: drilling mud (manufacture)
SIC Code: 20590 | Description: Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. - Activity: turbine drilling services
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: petroleum test well drilling
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: horizontal drilling services
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: test drilling for construction
SIC Code: 43130 | Description: Test drilling and boring - Activity: installation of drilling platforms and the like (manufacture)
SIC Code: 33200 | Description: Installation of industrial machinery and equipment - Activity: platform for drilling rig (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures
- Activity: diamond drilling of concrete and asphalt
SIC Code: 43999 | Description: Specialised construction activities (other than scaffold erection) n.e.c. - Activity: rock drilling machinery (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28921 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for mining - Activity: petroleum drilling equipment (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28921 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for mining - Activity: static drilling derricks (manufacture)
SIC Code: 25110 | Description: Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures - Activity: shaft drilling (civil engineering)
SIC Code: 43999 | Description: Specialised construction activities (other than scaffold erection) n.e.c. - Activity: drill bits for well drilling (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28921 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for mining - Activity: drilling jars for mining (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28921 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for mining
- Activity: offshore floating drilling rig (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures - Activity: drilling contractor for offshore oil or gas well
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: drilling machine (metal cutting) (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28410 | Description: Manufacture of metal forming machinery - Activity: construction of drilling platforms, floating or submersible (manufacture)
SIC Code: 30110 | Description: Building of ships and floating structures - Activity: drilling services to oil and gas extraction wells
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction - Activity: motion compensation equipment for oil drilling rigs (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28921 | Description: Manufacture of machinery for mining - Activity: floating drilling rig operation for petroleum or natural gas exploration or production
SIC Code: 09100 | Description: Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction
- Activity: drilling or milling machines for stone, ceramics, asbestos-cement and similar articles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 28490 | Description: Manufacture of other machine tools - Activity: rock drilling and earth boring interchangeable tools (e.g. augers, boring bits, drills)(manufacture)
SIC Code: 25730 | Description: Manufacture of tools - Activity: geological test drilling , test boring and core sampling
SIC Code: 43130 | Description: Test drilling and boring - Activity: geophysical test drilling , test boring and core sampling
SIC Code: 43130 | Description: Test drilling and boring
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