SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig finance clous

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search finance clous here is the answer.


There are 12 results found searching for FINANCE CLOUS

  • Activity: other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies) n.e.c.
    SIC Code: 64929 | Description: Other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies) n.e.c.
  • Activity: corporate finance companies
    SIC Code: 66120 | Description: Security and commodity contracts brokerage
  • Activity: finance corporation for industry
    SIC Code: 64929 | Description: Other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies) n.e.c.
  • Activity: credit or finance broking
    SIC Code: 66190 | Description: Other activities auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding
  • Activity: ship mortgage finance company
    SIC Code: 64922 | Description: Activities of mortgage finance companies
  • Activity: activities of mortgage finance companies
    SIC Code: 64922 | Description: Activities of mortgage finance companies
  • Activity: export finance company (other than in banks sector)
    SIC Code: 64929 | Description: Other credit granting (not including credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors and activities of mortgage finance companies) n.e.c.
  • Activity: finance house activities (non-deposit taking)
    SIC Code: 64921 | Description: Credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors
  • Activity: building societies personal finance subsidiaries activities
    SIC Code: 64921 | Description: Credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors
  • Activity: mortgage finance companies activities (other than banks and building societies)
    SIC Code: 64922 | Description: Activities of mortgage finance companies
  • Activity: dealing in finance markets for others (e.g. stock broking); related activities (not fund management)
    SIC Code: 66120 | Description: Security and commodity contracts brokerage
  • Activity: credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors
    SIC Code: 64921 | Description: Credit granting by non-deposit taking finance houses and other specialist consumer credit grantors