SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig hazard warning lights

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search hazard warning lights here is the answer.


There are 9 results found searching for HAZARD WARNING LIGHTS

  • Activity: hazard warning lamp hire
    SIC Code: 77320 | Description: Renting and leasing of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment
  • Activity: health and safety and other hazard protection and control consultancy activities
    SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities
  • Activity: christmas tree lights (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 27400 | Description: Manufacture of electric lighting equipment
  • Activity: electrical traffic lights (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 27900 | Description: Manufacture of other electrical equipment
  • Activity: christmas tree lights (wholesale)
    SIC Code: 46470 | Description: Wholesale of furniture, carpets and lighting equipment
  • Activity: dome lights made of plastic (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic
  • Activity: roof lights made of plastic (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic
  • Activity: basement lights made of glass (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 23190 | Description: Manufacture and processing of other glass, including technical glassware
  • Activity: tube fittings made of glass for electric lights (manufacture)
    SIC Code: 23190 | Description: Manufacture and processing of other glass, including technical glassware