SIC Code

List of SIC Codes of activities containig information technology personell

If you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search information technology personell here is the answer.


There are 22 results found searching for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PERSONELL

  • Activity: information technology consultancy activities
    SIC Code: 62020 | Description: Computer consultancy activities
  • Activity: other information technology and computer service activities
    SIC Code: 62090 | Description: Other information technology and computer service activities
  • Activity: college of technology
    SIC Code: 85320 | Description: Technical and vocational secondary education
  • Activity: information bureau for tourists
    SIC Code: 79909 | Description: Other reservation service and related activities (not including activities of tourist guides)
  • Activity: other information service activities n.e.c.
    SIC Code: 63990 | Description: Other information service activities n.e.c.
  • Activity: information processing equipment
    SIC Code: 26200 | Description: Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment
  • Activity: information bureau (not tourist)
    SIC Code: 82990 | Description: Other business support service activities n.e.c.
  • Activity: holiday information centre
    SIC Code: 79909 | Description: Other reservation service and related activities (not including activities of tourist guides)
  • Activity: security shredding of information on any media
    SIC Code: 80100 | Description: Private security activities
  • Activity: tourist board or information service
    SIC Code: 79909 | Description: Other reservation service and related activities (not including activities of tourist guides)
  • Activity: telephone based information services
    SIC Code: 63990 | Description: Other information service activities n.e.c.
  • Activity: cartographic and spatial information activities
    SIC Code: 71122 | Description: Engineering related scientific and technical consulting activities
  • Activity: on-line publishing of statistics and other information
    SIC Code: 58190 | Description: Other publishing activities
  • Activity: bill auditing and freight rate information
    SIC Code: 74909 | Description: Other professional, scientific and technical activities (not including environmental consultancy or quantity surveying) n.e.c.
  • Activity: european communities representatives and information office
    SIC Code: 99000 | Description: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
  • Activity: information search services on a fee or contract basis
    SIC Code: 63990 | Description: Other information service activities n.e.c.
  • Activity: information systems strategic review and planning services
    SIC Code: 62020 | Description: Computer consultancy activities
  • Activity: electronic message and information services (wireless telecommunications)
    SIC Code: 61200 | Description: Wireless telecommunications activities
  • Activity: pollution standards, dissemination and information services (public sector)
    SIC Code: 84120 | Description: Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education, cultural services and other social services, excluding social security
  • Activity: teletext and other electronic message and information services (wired telecommunications)
    SIC Code: 61100 | Description: Wired telecommunications activities
  • Activity: library training courses (it, information literacy, basic skills)
    SIC Code: 91011 | Description: Library activities
  • Activity: information and cultural services abroad administration and operation (public sector)
    SIC Code: 84210 | Description: Foreign affairs