SIC CodeIf you need the SIC Code for an business or economic activity related with the search instalation ducting for cables here is the answer.
There are 19 results found searching for INSTALATION DUCTING FOR CABLES
- Activity: ducting made of plastic (manufacture)
SIC Code: 22230 | Description: Manufacture of builders' ware of plastic - Activity: flexible ventilating ducting made of textiles (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13922 | Description: Manufacture of canvas goods, sacks etc. - Activity: installation of cables
SIC Code: 43210 | Description: Electrical installation - Activity: usb cables (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26110 | Description: Manufacture of electronic components - Activity: printer cables (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26110 | Description: Manufacture of electronic components - Activity: monitor cables (manufacture)
SIC Code: 26110 | Description: Manufacture of electronic components - Activity: manufacture of fibre optic cables
SIC Code: 27310 | Description: Manufacture of fibre optic cables - Activity: rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13940 | Description: Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting
- Activity: manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables
SIC Code: 27320 | Description: Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables - Activity: data transmission (via cables , broadcasting, relay or satellite)
SIC Code: 61100 | Description: Wired telecommunications activities - Activity: image transmission via cables , broadcasting, relay or satellite
SIC Code: 61100 | Description: Wired telecommunications activities - Activity: sound transmission via cables , broadcasting, relay or satellite
SIC Code: 61100 | Description: Wired telecommunications activities - Activity: installation of computer network cabling and other telecommunications system cables
SIC Code: 43210 | Description: Electrical installation - Activity: optical fibre cables for coded data transmission (manufacture)
SIC Code: 27310 | Description: Manufacture of fibre optic cables - Activity: optical fibre cables made up of individually sheathed fibres (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46690 | Description: Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
- Activity: stranded wires, cables , plaited bands, slings and the like (not electrically insulated) (wholesale)
SIC Code: 46690 | Description: Wholesale of other machinery and equipment - Activity: rubber coated twine, cordage rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13940 | Description: Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting - Activity: plastic coated twine, cordage rope and cables of textile fibres (manufacture)
SIC Code: 13940 | Description: Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting - Activity: optical fibres, optical fibre bundles and cables (manufacture)
SIC Code: 27310 | Description: Manufacture of fibre optic cables
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